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Refer a landlord who has a property to rent and earn money from the successful let.
Know any landlords with properties to let?
Why not introduce them to us? You’ll not only be doing them a solid favour, showing them all the great benefits of partnering with Help2Rent. You’ll also receive £150 as a thank you from us
That’s a fee every time a landlord opts to takes advantage of our Help2Rent Scheme for a 12 to 24 month AST.
So what do our landlords get?
- Fully referenced tenants
- Rent Guarantee Protection of £2500.00 per month
- Legal Protection up to £50,000
- Mediation Services
- Arrangement of Universal Credit alternative payments to pay the rent directly to the landlord
- No commission or management fees to pay
- No more headaches. All legal and administrative work handled by our property experts
- No more unexpected telephone calls from tenants
In fact, all of our landlords simply enjoy a generous monthly rental income without any of the headaches associated with renting out a property.
As an introducer or preferred supplier, you have complete visibility via your log in. We will provide you the ability to upload your landlords properties to the system and see when the property has been matched to a suitable client. You will be allocated a partnership manager who will work with you to identify the best tenants to make sure that your landlord property has a client that not only can afford to live there but the security that all the relevant checks have been carried out.
Landlords Supported in 2023
Tenants Housed In 2023
Moves caried Within 2023
New Partners In 2023