Capital Grants 2023: Countryside Stewardship
Capital grants are standalone grants under Countryside Stewardship which can also be used to support and complement Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier, Higher Tier, Wildlife Offers and Environmental Higher Level Stewardship. Capital Grants are 3 year agreements offering capital items to achieve specific environmental benefits within 4 groups; boundaries, trees and orchards (including the former hedgerows and boundaries grant items), water quality, air quality, natural flood management. There is no limit on either the amount of any application or the amount you can apply for in each of the 4 groups (boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality, air quality and natural flood management.
Location England
Funding organisation Department of Food and Rural Affairs
Who can apply Personal / Individual
How much you can get From £1 to £20,000
Total size of grant scheme £60,000
Opening date
Closing date
Landlords Supported in 2023
Tenants Housed In 2023
Moves caried Within 2023
New Partners In 2023